Hello and Welcome!

Thanks for joining me as I uncover the world of health tech and AI.

Who am I?

My name is Ashwin, but my friends call me Ash. I’m a doctor in the United Kingdom with a keen interest in predicting future trends in health tech.

I write my honest opinions.

I really believe healthcare will face a fundamental paradigm shift in the next five years due to AI and other technology. AI won’t replace doctors. But doctors who use AI will replace those who don’t.

Y Cubed? Why the name?

Good question. There might be an elaborate answer somewhere, but I haven't found it yet. I just liked the name, and the cubic graph makes a pretty cool shape.

What will I be writing about?

I’ll be writing opinion articles on

  • Unique health tech start-ups that are blowing conventional thinking about healthcare out of the water

  • De-mystifying some of the concepts around AI in healthcare

  • Current healthcare systems and why there’s a lag between intention and action for innovation

  • How can we address healthcare inequity with technology?

Sound interesting? Hit the subscribe button above

Where can you find my writing?

All my new essays and articles will be sent directly to your inbox once you sign up. Sign-up is completely free, and there is no SPAM! Trust me; I hate spam as much as you do.

The complete archive of my essays will be on the homepage.

Want to get in touch?

I’ll be posting every fortnight. Please do leave a comment, as I really appreciate the feedback.

I have enabled substack chat if you’d like to ask me a question.

If you want to find me on the internet, I’ve attached my Linkedin to my profile (happy to be DM’ed) :)

Depending on my availability and time, I’m happy to advise on medical content creation. Just drop me a message on LinkedIn.

Happy reading!

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reflections and introspection


I’m a 🩺 Doctor who writes about the latest developments in health tech